What is a Chemical Peel?
Chemical peels are intended to remove the outermost layers of the skin. To accomplish this task, the chosen peel solution induces a controlled injury to the skin. We personalize our chemical peel treatments to fit your individual skincare needs. Most chemical peels require being on a strict home care regimen 4-6 weeks prior to a peel. The Fire & Ice can be done without prepping the skin.
Who can benefit?
Peels are great for those who want to treats acne, minimizes pores, balance texture, and smoothes skin.
How Often would I need to come in?
Chemical peels are typically done every 4-6 weeks. Based off your skin type you may be able to receive peels closers together for best results. This will be discussed prior to your treatment with your aesthetician.

Preparing for a Session
Arrive to your appointment with a clean face.
Provide current list of products used on the face.
Bring an open mind and positive attitude.
Some chemical peels require a non-chemical peel session and homecare products to be used first. Questions, please schedule a consult for an indepth conversation about your skin or call with general questions.